Skippy and Miss Piggy

Skippy and Miss Piggy

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Howlers

Here is one of the 5 babies I got to visit in Brenda's bedroom before I started my duty. Love at first sight. The one I am holding is one of two tiniest babies. The one on this lady's shoulder is an in-between size.

Several amazing physical attributes: their smile was very human like. I mean the teeth formation was human looking, so the smile was very wide. No canines to distinguish them as apes.

Their tails are prehensile, which is amazing once you touch it. The under side feels a little like the underside of a snake. No hair, but a calloused skin, with strong muscles gripping. And their hands and feet are attached to their shins and upper arms a very peculiar angle.

I worked the sign-in table and got to greet everyone. Some thought I was Bobbi from a distance. And everyone perked up when they learned I am her sister. Very fun to be related to a celebrity. Add Video

Lily Adams arrived with Don Maris and her beautiful daughter (remember them all from the fiesta, fried chicken booth?)

Chicy, the guy on the left, was my co-worker. Paula, on the right, is one of Bobbi's best friends and lives up the mountain a house or two.

A golf cart offered rides up and down the very steep driveway. I took it down a couple of times so I wouldn't slip on the loose stones.

Bobbi was one the big bidders, her first acquisition being this acrylic. I love the fish. The boy not so much. Don't know what she'll do with it other than stack it against all her other un-hung artwork.

I wore this monkey (Bobbi found it in a box from Mom and Dad's attic) hanging off my shoulder. Squeaky or somebody with a similar name said he'd pay $50 if I auctioned it off. So I did. No one was bidding any higher, so I told the crowd that Bobbi had slept with it and got a great laugh, including Bobbi, but no more money.

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