Libby learned the use a computer without a mouse. And to drive on these wicked roads, at least 50 meters to her house.

My college friend Denny came for a night. Took a swim in Libby's pool.
Went to dinner before seeing the Olive Ridley turtles lay their eggs.

We will get a good photo of Libby.
Bobbi and I
went up into the hills to see an amazing new house built by Ron and Becca, all green, but very poorly designed for use. Living area is tiny and open on two sides with a hole in the roof for a palm tree (no where to sit in the rainy season). The pool is on a separate level with no bathroom or kitchen.

The couple had heard about Bobbi and wanted to pump her for the history and politics of the area. They are reporters and want to help. Bobbi was surprised that I could toot her horn so much as she told them about the positive situations regarding garbage, recycling and water. None of what is good here could have happened without her. I learned a lot more also.
Andy and I helped Bobbi and her friends sort the garbage at the public beach entrances, putting the recyclables into the biodegradable bags. The trash was strewn all over because the garbage cans were dumped out for the returnable bottles.
Today is my mom's birthday. Libby's husband died about 3 years ago. Ricky died 13 years ago. I don't even remember how long ago Mom died. But I still get a jolt when I think of calling her to tell her something and realize I can't reach her. Our sweet friend David died at 63 last month. I visited Ricky's grave on the beach the other day.
Last Saturday the blood tests for Byron showed that his organs were shutting down.
But it is 8 days later and he seems to be doing well. He left for 2 nights and I feared the worst.
Elvira looked very pale yesterday, but seemed to perk up before I left.
Fred, Carol and Matthew didn't make it down to visit us because of blizzards..
Heartbreaking for them and especially for them. Fred survived leukemia several years ago.
Guess I am trying to say I am grateful for every precious minute. And there have been many more this week.
Last Saturday the blood tests for Byron showed that his organs were shutting down.
But it is 8 days later and he seems to be doing well. He left for 2 nights and I feared the worst.
Elvira looked very pale yesterday, but seemed to perk up before I left.
Fred, Carol and Matthew didn't make it down to visit us because of blizzards..
Heartbreaking for them and especially for them. Fred survived leukemia several years ago.
Guess I am trying to say I am grateful for every precious minute. And there have been many more this week.
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