Skippy and Miss Piggy

Skippy and Miss Piggy

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Animal Rescue

I am very honored to have been allowed by Brenda to visit the baby monkeys again. Met her at her beautiful hotel/real estate office. Then she took me to the babies' safe house, where this lady and her husband take care of them all day. The house has an open wing, caged in, that is full of fun monkey play things, including lots of stuffed animals. The trick to keeping the babies alive is to give them the nourishment they need without causing intentinal problems.

Another thing the babies need is affection, hence my role. While I had them for several hours, Melina could take care of other necessities.

I held the tangle of babies Elvira and Leslie and their stuffed surrogate monkey on my towel covered lap. The babies played and explored, all the while keeping contact with the surrogate. Elvira, though the smaller of the two, was far more confident than Leslie. She was very curious about me and eventually snuggled up to my chin and purred! Leslie seemed a little cross with me and even chewed on my finger a little. But she eventually relaxed and demonstrated her confidence by lying on her back and streching up to touch my face.
We all dozed off for a while, with Leslie totally giving up the surrogate to wrap herself and tail around my arm.
I was in heaven and plan to go back tomorrow.
Byron still is not eating right, so Sarah had the vet Carl meet her at our house. They agreed that he is looking a little pale, his gums that is.
They took multiple blood samples, 2 from his jugular, which I've never seen before. They talked about spinning one of the samples to test for something. In the meantime, they left us with antibiotics for treating tick disease.

I gave him his first couple of pills and didn't think I was successful at getting him to swallow them. So I followed him through chasing an iguana and finally lying down inside. Having been satisfied that I was successful, I found a damp, hairy pill on the floor next to him. Pretty wiley guy. This evening was better. Got the pills down his throat and plied him with roasted chicken parts. He couldn't have tricked me this time.

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