Fought a tough battle with jungle fever, but I won. Helped by Bobbi, a doctor and some drugs, dear friends who plied me with soup and sauce (apple) and, of course, dear Andy.
Finally getting back to gaming, gardening and even eating.
The biggest addtiion to the garden is a new palm, the one with giant blue leaves. In a couple of years, it will be the facal point and unifying feature in the oasis on the other side of the pool from the lanai. I think it get at least as high as the brush behind it. Can hardly wait.

When I told my bridge partner that I had recoverd enough to dig the hole with an ax and adz and shovel, he replied that he never felt motivated enough to do such a thing. Credit where it is due: Andy did help me get the palm out of its huge pot and positioned in the hole, risking injuring his back.

While I was working back in the oasis I found a cement statue in the brush. He is the typical boy peeing. I dragged him closer to the lanai and stuck him amidst a vine, which will eventually cover all his missing parts.

The young man is to the left of the path to the pool.
This is how that garden looked on FEb. 14.

On the right of the path is the ruined urns feature. The next photo is how it looked on Valentine's day.
One of the treasures of that garden is the beginning of my bromiliad collection.Our dear friend Howie brought me a couple of treasures from his

mountain retreat. I actually can't believe they are doing so well.
There are even a number of flourishing babies on the greener of the two typ

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